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Powerful Questions About Love and Relationships To Ask Your Tarot Cards


Updated: May 20, 2023

1. How can my partner and I help each other grow?

2. What’s my relationship blindspot right now?

3. What did I learn about love and relationships from my family?

4. What did I learn about love and relationships from society?

5. How are my learned beliefs about love holding me back or limiting me?

6. How do my Spirit Guides want me to understand love?

7. How do my Spirit Guides want me to act in my relationships?

8. Do I follow my intuition when it comes to love? If not, how can I do this more?

9. Do I trust my own instincts when it comes to new partners? If not, why not?

10. What do I fear would happen if I never had a long-term relationship?

11. What do I fear would happen if I never got married?

12. What do I fear would happen if I DID get married?

13. Do I fear losing my freedom or independence?

14. Why am I still attracting unavailable partners?

15. What do I fear would happen if I attracted a fully available, emotionally present partner?

16. Why did my relationship fall apart?

17. What did this past relationship teach me? Did I learn the lesson?

18. What’s the best way for me to end this relationship?

19. How can I let go of my ex emotionally?

20. How can I become a better co-parent with my ex?

21. What do I need to do (or focus on) before moving into my next relationship?

22. How can I open myself to love again after heartbreak?

23. How can I attract the best partner for me right now?

24. What can I do to align myself with the energy of love?

25. What are my current beliefs about love?

26. Am I keeping my heart closed? If so, how can I open it?

27. Is there a past wound or heartbreak I still need to heal? How can I do this?

28. How can I trust in other people more?

29. How can I trust in the Universe’s abundance for me, including a loving partner and a fulfilling relationship?

30. What has been my relationship pattern in the past?

31. How can I release the unhelpful parts of this pattern and attract a partner who is aligned with me?

32. What do I need to know about this new potential partner?

33. How is it best for me to proceed with my new partner?

34. How can I communicate better with my partner?

35. What positive qualities does my partner bring to our relationship?

36. What negative qualities does my partner bring to the relationship?

37. What positive qualities do I bring to our relationship?

38. What negative qualities do I bring to the relationship?

39. How can we be mindful of each other’s negative (or not-so-ideal) qualities?

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